Dyk in i hjärtat av den amerikanska revolutionen med TV-serien 'Turn: Washington's Spies'. Denna gripande dramaserie, som hade premiär 2014, skildrar den sanna historien om Amerikas första spionring, en grupp modiga amatörer som under George Washingtons ledning spelade en avgörande roll i kampen för frihet. Med en stjärnspäckad ensemble inklusive Jamie Bell i rollen som Abraham Woodhull, Seth Numrich som Ben Talmadge och Heather Lind som Anna Strong, tar 'Turn' tittarna på en spännande resa genom krigets skuggor och spioneriets dunkla värld. Skapad av Craig Silverstein, sträcker sig serien över fyra säsonger och totalt 40 avsnitt, där varje kapitel avslöjar de hemliga strategier och djärva uppoffringar som dessa osannolika hjältar gjorde för att forma nationens framtid. Även om serien avslutades och inga nya avsnitt planeras, fortsätter 'Turn: Washington's Spies' att fängsla och inspirera med sin berättelse om mod, vänskap och födelsen av modern spionage.
Turn: Washington's Spies finns för närvarande tillgänglig för streaming,uthyrning och köp i Sverige
The fate of the Culper Ring is revealed; the American War of Independence comes to an end; a settling of accounts between shadows and spies; America struggles to begin.
America's first spy ring, called the Culper Ring, and General George Washington finish the fight. Notorious traitor Benedict Arnold takes his revenge on Washington, and unintended consequences compel Abe to seek revenge. Ultimately, Abe must forsake his bloodlust and turn his attention toward the one thing that truly matters: winning the war.
Embedded within the Continental Army, Benedict Arnold is seduced to become an informant for the British. As the consequences of their espionage ripple through the battlefield, the spy game becomes a heart-stopping race to see which mole will be unmasked first.
The Patriot cause has suffered the crushing loss of their capital city of Philadelphia to the British. Washington's army faces desertion and death, and the embattled General faces conspirators from within his own ranks, as well as personal demons he keeps hidden from the men he leads. Washington's closest ally in these dark times is also his most celebrated battle commander, Benedict Arnold a friend whose growing discontent will threaten the fate of the Revolution. Outnumbered and outgunned on the battlefield, Washington is counting on his ring of young spies and his greatest hope, Abe Woodhull, a lone civilian deep behind enemy lines, who finds he has little left to lose and is willing to risk everything he has left... including his soul.
Craig Silverstein